Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Secret story continues 3

I know it has been quite a few months since my last post, there is a reason and I hope that I have not lost my followers as now my life is getting back to normal. I had an apartment fire not long before my last post and that has kept me time strapped until now. So I am moving on and in later posts I will share that part of my story, because it all works together for my use of the  "Secret".

So this thing called the secret continues. You are probably curious as to how the story ends, well it has truly only just begun. I will continue to share in segments as it is too long to post at once.

I was out of the abusive marriage, now what?  With very little money, I had to ask and believe.  To get divorced & have a benefit, they recommend an attorney.  How was I to ever find the money for an attorney? I didn't have to find it I had to believe that I would somehow receive the resources I needed. That is all part of the secret. Believe it in your mind and you will begin to attract it. Little did I know the no profit organization that had helped me only 9 months earlier, now had an on staff attorney.  So I was again attracting the resources I needed. I went and I qualified for the use of their attorney with a one time retainer fee (for hiring purposes only as I was signing a contract) of $25.00! I had access to a fantastic attorney to help me with every step of the process & she was working for me! I did however attend counseling services, money management services, & weekly group meetings to help me deal with 20 years of physical, mental, & emotional abuse. Those services have been extremely foundational to where I am today.  All these services were right there and I didn't even realize it. My eyes were opened by the support that had been there all along in my family and friends but now I believed it was available for me and that I would be the woman I was intended to be. A strong, confident, independent woman making her way in this world without the need of a man! 

Until my next post start using the secret method.

"When your committed, nothing gets in your way!"

Monday, July 1, 2013

"The Secret" continues

The Challenge of changing your thoughts can seem impossible, but break that word in two, & it says "I'm Possible" 
you can change everything in your life, it is possible! I am living proof!  Let me give you a picture of how.

The last 5 years of my marriage were negative in a way I didn't even realize until recently. We lost 2 homes, had 2 vehicles repossessed, owed the IRS over $90,000 with interest and penalties, had the electricity in our homes turned off more than 7 times, (5 of those 7, in the last 2 years of that 5 year span) had the cell phones turned off almost bi-monthly, & qualified for food stamps, the last 18 months of that 5 years.  Add in to that an abusive husband & a child that moves out the day he turns 18 (while still in high school) and you can understand why I was so negative.

I needed a change but didn't think it was possible. I was stuck, or so I thought. You see what happen as a catalyst to the change, was all I needed. To get out of that marriage I needed either enough money to get a place, or a place to stay. Well the first option seemed grimm. The second was there, but I didn't realize it. I had a place to stay all I needed to do was believe it. So I went out on a limb & believed and this transformation began. Yes there is more, but that explanation is not needed. The key here is: I had to believe and see it in my mind. Actually create the actual scene in my mind to view.

I believed and I was out of the abusive situation, it wasn't over, but now I could begin to believe in more positive things. With each positive thought, I had to play a long tennis volley with my subconscious thoughts. How can you ever get a place of your own without money, and that huge IRS cloud? First things first, I had an income, something a lot of people didn't, a job. But I was on the edge of losing that because of my weight. So add one more thing to worry about, so the tennis volley continues. Positive thought, negative thought, positive thought, negative thought, Positive thought wins.  Then that volley would slow down to maybe only 3 times a day. But it slowed down, and as it did I could see things improving.

So has that volley began? Keep it going with the positive, every time return the negative ball with a positive thought till the positive thought wins. 

Looking at weight loss success is absolutely no different. If you see yourself as a success, then you will unfold that success. But if you only see weight loss as a struggle, then that is what you will continue to create, negative after negative. Volley that negative thought always with a thought that you can be a weight loss success. You will prevail. Start and don't stop. 

Until I post again, start with creating that success movie in your mind & believe it. My story is not finished, it only gets better! 

"When your committed, nothing gets in your way!"

"The Secret" Part 1

I'll never lose this weight, I'll never have money, I'll never be out of debt, I'll never be happy. I thought about these things all the time in cycles.  I was so terribly negative that I began to expect all those statements to continue and never change. As a result my life was miserable for almost 18 years!

Can you relate to how I felt?  If you answered yes, then continue reading. Even if you have had what seemed to be times where everything is going great, yet those negative situations still come back, keep reading. I am going to share with you how you can change your entire life! I will do this over the next few posts, this will allow you time to think and reflect on some things. Get ready, I can't wait to share.

I grew up with a very negative mother who spent very little time with me after I started school, I was 4 when I began kindergarten. My mother was ill and in pain for as long as I can remember, so much so that my brothers and I were left to take care of ourselves after school till my dad came home.  I now realize this was what shaped my negative adult life. During the ages of 4 through 14 are some of the most critical, and influential for a child as they develop a mindset for life. You become who you spend your time with. Grow up with negativity and you can almost guarantee a negative outlook on life, with a negative life as a result. I was a result of that until I discovered the secret about 16 months ago.

I did not realize that what I began to do 16 months ago was actually what I now know of as "The Secret".   Mindset was what I began to focus on 16 months ago. I made the decision to NEVER allow my children to live in fear of having the electricity turned off, having to move because we could not pay the rent, or have to worry about what they would eat or wear ever again. I focused on seeing money in the bank and all the bills paid. I never went back to worrying about not having money again.  Now I will say that I still encounter challenges, but how I look at those challenges and the thoughts that run through my mind are ALWAYS positive.

Here is what you have to think about until I post again. What was the atmosphere like growing up? What have you experienced as a result of those years? How happy are you with where you are right now with your weight loss, and your life? What do you see in your future, positive or negative? DO you think it is possible to change what you think about? Do you believe you have what it takes to achieve what you desire with your life and your weight loss?  Be ready for something with each post to reveal what "The Secret" is. This is just the beginning.

"When your committed nothing gets in your way!"

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Really THAT again?

I know you've heard this a lot lately, but it does produce all things positive. It's that dreaded thing called your attitude. I guess maybe I should have rethought the blog name, but who would have known that I would see such positive results from such a powerful tool! 

Some of you have asked me to post the link to this information, no link needed here is what I talked about and it is from Webmd.com, here it is below in italics.

Danny Worrel paid in advance to have a load of firewood delivered. It was a handshake deal, but as the guy drove off, Worrel, a 57-year-old building engineer in Coupeville, Wash., said, "I just lost $150." He was sure the woodsman would take off with the cash and never deliver. (Of course, the firewood promptly arrived.)

This pessimistic outlook is typical of the 50% of Americans who assume things are always getting worse.

Pessimists habitually explain the events in their lives in a way that makes them seem dire. They tend to blame themselves, while assuming that whatever went wrong will stay wrong -- and bring everything else down with it.

Optimists, on the other hand, seem to approach life in a way that pays off. They're more resilient in the face of disaster or tragedy and are happier with their lives in general. But it's not all in their heads. They are generally healthier, have stronger hearts, and tend to live longer. They're even more resistant to colds.One reason is because optimists learn to cope well and make connections with others who help and support, says Barbara Fredrickson, head of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Lab at the University of North Carolina. "You're better equipped to deal with the difficulties in life because, in the good moments, you've accrued more skills and resources," she explains.

How the brain functions seems to play a role, too. Enthusiastic people have more activity in the left prefrontal lobes of their brains, while those with more active right prefrontal lobes tend to get stuck in negative emotions. The rostral anterior cingulate cortex may be significant: One brain imaging study found that, when asked to think about future positive events, the more optimistically inclined had higher activity in this region, which is located along the midline of the brain and seems to play a role in moderating emotional reactions. Malfunctions in this area can cause depression or anxiety.

Worrel now uses a technique called "cognitive restructuring." Instead of sinking into pessimism, he asks himself whether any rational basis exists for a negative thought. If not, he forgets about it. He says, "I've realized we have control over whether that glass is half empty or half full."

How to Be More Positive

Our brains are not hardwired for optimism or pessimism, so you can learn to accentuate the positive. Here's how:

  • Learn to meditate. An eight-week program of daily mindfulness meditation-- trying to stay in the moment without distracting thoughts -- increased activation of the left prefrontal lobe in study subjects.
  • Think in threes. Approximately three positive moments are needed to counteract one negative one, according to Fredrickson. So volunteer, listen to music you like, or pet a puppy.
  • Write it down. Martin Seligman, the psychologist who authored the book Authentic Happiness, suggests you create a journal. Every night, write down three good things that happened that day -- and include an explanation for why each happened.

The above information was not written by myself but if you take to heart what it says it WILL change you success! I have incorporated a positive mindset into EVERYTHING I do on a daily basis & I have seen the results firsthand. Every time I put a positive attitude first, the results that have followed have absolutely without a doubt blown my mind & ended as positive as my thoughts. This has been true not only with my weight loss challenges, but challenges in other areas of my life.

 My challenge to you is to do what ever it takes to change your thought process to nothing but positive, even in the face of trials, challenges, & sadness there is, and can be something positive in it. 

Tell me what you are challenged with and I will incorporate those into future blog posts. I look forward to motivating readers to weight loss success as I have achieved. 


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Have you ever found your emotions controlling your day?

SO I found myself yesterday in a funk where my emotions had seemed to take charge of my day. Have you been there? I experience the same hurdles of this lifestyle as everyone else.  I am not exempt from those challenges.

 After a long week I have time to unwind & think before I finish off my week. I find myself at times thinking about things in a negative way, and my bent is to turn to food to "feel better".  That chocolate chip cookie or those peanut butter M&Ms ( oh that sounds sooooo good right now!) make me feel better for the moment & then the cycle repeats itself.  So there I was in the grocery store, storming the isles looking for that "FIX". After 2 rounds of the entire store, I realized that I was not ultimately going to find that "FIX" in food.  I did continue my shopping, but I focused on what I had gone for, something to make healthy for dinner.  I left the store still feeling like my emotions were in control of my afternoon.

A I have learned to live weight loss as a lifestyle, I have found ways to take control of those negative emotions and turn them into positive highs that I can live on for days!  Here is exactly how I do it.  I turned on my favorite music and grabbed my favorite positive quotes list. I have learned to write down quotes that give me something to think about & that boost my attitude. I even search positive quotes on you tube and sometimes search for quotes with google. Seeing the words across the screen with music can really brighten your attitude and mood.

Emotions and negative feelings will be a part of life. But you can learn to cycle through them to  positive emotions that will keep you feeling on top for days.  All we need are the right tools and the willingness to put those tools to use, no matter how you might be feeling in the moment.  So now you have the tools, what you do with them will change your life!

I will leave you with this to think about until my next post............Our words reveal our thoughts........our manners mirror our self esteem.........our actions reflect our character...........our habits predict our future.    If you want to let negative emotions predict your future than do absolutely nothing.  I know what my future holds and it has nothing to do with anything negative. This skinny mom has a fantastic life waiting, but patience with a positive attitude will be worth it.

"When you're committed nothing gets in the way!"

Monday, May 27, 2013

Honor those who keep our country free

Please take the time to honor those who have made this country free. Without our service men and women I would not have the awesome freedom to share this motivational blog with all of you.

We think its a challenge to lose weight, the challenge is nothing compared to fighting for this country! We choose what and when we will eat, our service men and women eat ration meals from their pockets. So next time you start thinking you want to quit, remember why this blog is possible and decide to fight like our service men and women. There really is freedom for those who are willing to take on the challenges and fight for weight loss success! Winners never quit and quitters are never FREE!

Thank you to all those service men and women who have allowed us the freedom to have the great U.S.A!!! Freedom isn't free! Thank you again.

"When your committed nothing gets in your way!"

Friday, May 24, 2013

Can we really think ourselves thin?

I am blogging about mindset because this is a big factor in success and failure in anything we want to achieve in life, including weight loss.  Fake it till you make it & believe it till you achieve it are great starters and can come to pass.  Let me explain.

When I decided to really put my mind into my weight loss journey, I had to devise a way to allow the positive thinking to become a habit. I took those 2 quotes and put them where I could see them. Not just anywhere, but I put them in places that seemed to create negaitive thoughts. The kitchen, fridge, freezer, pantry, those were places that I would find myself thinking that this was never going to happen, me Laura be skinny?  Yes I would be that skinny mom, it just took the belief that I could!

Our subconscious mind-the habitual mind- is over 1 million times more powerful than the conscious mind.  What does that mean? That we spend a significant amount of our lifetime on auto-pilot, playing out the mental programs that conduct our behavior.  Let me give an example: while driving a car, carrying on a conversation with someone, the conscious mind is attending to what is being said in the moment, while the mind is turning on the directional, hitting the brakes, watching oncoming traffic, monitoring our blood sugar, regulating our breathing, & on & on, I think you get he point. The subconscious mind is so vast and powerful that we do not even know what we are capable of. It truly runs our lives whether we know it or not! So habits begin & manifest deep in the mind, they can be our ally or attacker. Whether they are a positive force in our lives or an obstacle to the goals we want to achieve, our habits become in grained through repeated actions, through thought or physical actions.  If you tend to always fall apart when a challenge gets in the way, our tendency or  habit will be to subconsciously bring on those negative thought patterns, which also bring on, or back those negative habits.

My thought patterns have been redirected to positive no matter what current situation or challenge is before me. Pete and repeat went on a boat Pete fell off, who was left? It doesn't matter because
Pete can swim and will meet me back on shore! See positive thoughts repeated can and WILL produce positive habits and positive results.

"When your committed, nothing gets in the way!"